- Uncertainty quantification via neural posterior principal components
E. Nehme, O. Yair and T. MichaeliNeural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS 2023)[Project webpage]
- Perceptual Kalman filters: Online state estimation under a perfect perceptual-quality constraint
D. Freirich, T. Michaeli and R. Meir,Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS 2023)
- Deep optimal transport: A Practical algorithm for photo-realistic image restoration
T. Joseph Adrai, G. Ohayon, M. Elad and T. MichaeliNeural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS 2023)
- Alias-free convnets: Fractional shift invariance via polynomial activations
H. Michaeli, T. Michaeli and D. SoudryConf. on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR 2023)
- SinDDM: A Single image denoising diffusion model
V. Kulikov, S. Yadin, M. Kleiner and T. MichaeliInternational Conf. on Machine Learning (ICML 2023)[Project webpage] [Code]
- Reasons for the superiority of stochastic estimators over deterministic ones: Robustness, consistency and perceptual quality
G. Ohayon, T. Joseph Adrai, M. Elad and T. MichaeliInternational Conf. on Machine Learning (ICML 2023)
- Internal diverse image completion
N. Alkobi, T. Rott Shaham and T. MichaeliConf. on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshops (CVPRW 2023)
- The Implicit bias of minima stability in multivariate shallow ReLU networks
M. Shpigel Nacson, R. Mulayoff, G. Ongie, T. Michaeli and D. SoudryInternational Conf. on Learning Representations (ICLR 2023)
- Energy awareness in low precision neural networks
N. Spingarn-Eliezer, R. Banner, H. Ben-Yaakov, E. Hoffer and T. MichaeliEuropean Conf. on Computer Vision Workshops (ECCVW 2022)
- Beyond local processing: Adapting CNNs for CT reconstruction
B. Hamoud, Y. Bahat and T. MichaeliEuropean Conf. on Computer Vision Workshops (ECCVW 2022)
- On information rates over a binary-input filtered Gaussian channel
M. Peleg, T. Michaeli and S. Shamai (Shitz)IEEE Int. Conf. on Microwaves, Antennas, Communications and Electronic Systems (COMCAS 2021)
- Catch-a-waveform: Learning to generate audio from a single short example
G. Greshler, T. Rott Shaham and T. MichaeliConf. on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS 2021)[Project webpage] [Code]
- Deep self-dissimilarities as powerful visual fingerprints
I. Kligvasser, T. Rott Shaham, Y. Bahat and T. MichaeliConf. on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS 2021)
- The Implicit bias of minima stability: A View from function space
R. Mulayoff, T. Michaeli and D. SoudryConf. on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS 2021)
- A Theory of the perception distortion tradeoff in Wasserstein space
D. Freirich, T. Michaeli and R. MeirConf. on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS 2021)
- Learning optimal wavefront shaping for multi-channel imaging
E. Nehme, B. Ferdman, L. E. Weiss, T. Naor, D. Freedman, T. Michaeli and Y. ShechtmanInternational Conf. on Computational Photography (ICCP 2021)[Supplementary]
- What’s in the image? Explorable decoding of compressed images
Y. Bahat and T. MichaeliConf. on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR 2021)
- Spatially-adaptive pixelwise networks for fast image translation
T. Rott Shaham, M. Gharbi, R. Zhang, E. Shechtman and T. MichaeliConf. on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR 2021)[Project webpage]
- GAN “steerability” without optimization
N. Spingarn Eliezer, R. Banner and T. MichaeliInternational Conf. on Learning Representations (ICLR 2021)Spotlight presentation[Project webpage]
- Contrastive divergence learning is a time reversal adversarial game
O. Yair and T. MichaeliInternational Conf. on Learning Representations (ICLR 2021)Spotlight presentation
- Sparsity aware normalization for GANs
I. Kligvasser and T. MichaeliAAAI Conf. on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI 2021)[Supplementary] [Code]
- Unique properties of flat minima in deep networks
R. Mulayoff and T. MichaeliInternational Conf. on Machine Learning (ICML 2020)
- Explorable super resolution
Y. Bahat and T. MichaeliConf. on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR 2020)Oral presentation[Project webpage]
T. Rott Shaham, T. Dekel and T. MichaeliInternational Conf. on Computer Vision (ICCV 2019)Best paper award (Marr Prize)[Project webpage]
Nirit Nussbaum-Hoffer and Tomer MichaeliInternational Conf. on Computer Vision Workshops (ICCVW 2019)Best paper award at the PBDL Workshop
Doron Haviv, Yochai Blau and Tomer MichaeliInternational Conf. on Computer Vision Workshops (ICCVW 2019)Best poster award at the SDL-CV Workshop
- Rethinking lossy compression: The rate-distortion-perception tradeoff
Y. Blau and T. MichaeliInternational Conf. on Machine Learning (ICML 2019)
Long oral presentation
Yochai Blau, Roey Mechrez, Radu Timofte, Tomer Michaeli and Lihi Zelnik-ManorEuropean Conf. on Computer Vision Workshops (ECCVW 2018)[Project webpage]
B. Epstein, R. Meir and T. MichaeliEuropean Conf. on Machine Learning (ECML-PKDD 2018)[Supplementary material]
- Revealing common statistical behaviors in heterogeneous populations
A. Zhitnikov, R. Mulyoff and T. MichaeliInternational Conf. on Machine Learning (ICML 2018)[Supplementary material] [code]
Y. Blau and T. MichaeliConf. on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR 2018)Oral presentation[Project webpage]
T. Rott Shaham and T. MichaeliConf. on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR 2018)Spotlight presentation[Project webpage]
I. Kligvasser, T. Shaham Rott and T. MichaeliConf. on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR 2018)Spotlight presentation[Code]
N. Yair and T. MichaeliConf. on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR 2018)
T. Tlusty, T. Michaeli, Tali Dekel and L. Zelnik-ManorConf. on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR 2018)Spotlight presentation
Y. Blau and T. MichaeliEuropean Conf. on Machine Learning (ECML-PKDD 2017)[Supplementary material]
T. Rott Shaham and T. MichaeliEuropean Conf. on Computer Vision (ECCV 2016)[Project webpage]
T. Michaeli, W. Wang and T. LivescuInternational Conf. on Machine Learning (ICML 2016)[Code]
T. Dekel, T. Michaeli, M. Irani and W. T. FreemanACM SIGGRAPH Conf. in Asia (SIGGRAPH Asia 2015)[Project webpage]
T. Michaeli and M. IraniEuropean Conf. on Computer Vision (ECCV 2014)Oral presentation
D. Sigalov, T. Michaeli and Y. OshmanInternational Conf. on Information Fusion (Fusion 2014)
T. Michaeli and M. IraniInternational Conf. on Computer Vision (ICCV 2013)Oral presentation[Project webpage]
D. Sigalov, T. Michaeli and Y. OshmanIEEE Convention of Electrical & Electronics Engineers in Israel, 2012
Best student paper award
D. Sigalov, T. Michaeli and Y. OshmanInternational Conf. on Information Fusion (Fusion 2012)
T. Michaeli, Y. C. Eldar and G. SapiroIEEE International Conf. on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP 2012)
T. Michaeli and Y. C. EldarIEEE International Conf. on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP 2012)
T. Michaeli, D. Sigalov and Y. C. EldarInternational Conf. on Latent Variable Analysis & Signal Separation (LVA/ICA 2012)
D. Sigalov, T. Michaeli and Y. OshmanIEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC 2011)
T. Michaeli, Y. C. Eldar and V. PohlIEEE International Conf. on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP 2011)
Z. Ben-Haim, T. Michaeli and Y. C. EldarIEEE Sensor Array and Multichannel Signal Processing Workshop (SAM 2010)
T. Michaeli and I. CohenIEEE International Conf. on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP 2010)
T. Michaeli and Y. C. EldarIEEE International Conf. on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP 2010[Project webpage]
T. Faktor, T. Michaeli and Y. C. EldarSPIE (Computational Imaging VIII) 2010
T. Michaeli and Y. C. EldarIEEE Workshop on Statistical Signal Processing (SSP 2009)
T. Michaeli and Y. C. EldarIEEE International Conf. on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP 2008)
T. Michaeli and Y. C. EldarInternational Workshop on Sampling Theory and Applications (SAMPTA 2007)
T. Michaeli and Y. C. EldarIEEE International Conf. on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP 2007)